Avoid Contact

Stay home. If you have to go out, avoid close contact.

Wash Your Hands

thoroughly and frequently and do not touch your face.

Stay Calm

Avoid panic and lend a helping hand when it’s safe.

Flatten the Curve. Save Lives.

Up to date information about COVID-19 for everyone, verified by medical experts.

What to do

What you should do and not do as well as myths to ignore.

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Read here, or signup for updates from scientists and health experts for free.

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Science & Teamwork

On March 12, 2020, medical experts from around the world collaborated to provide the most up-to-date information about how to beat COVID-19. In that first week, we reached 1.2 million people. We’re still going!

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This site is maintained by a team of medical experts, translators, engineers and designers who volunteer their time. Do you want to help?